Studies conducted by Taipei Medical University (Taiwan) found that listening to music reduces the severity of symptoms, pain intensity and fatigue experienced by breast cancer patients.

To carry out the study, 60 participants listened to music in five 30-minute sessions per week. After 6, 12 and 24 weeks, music therapy reduced the severity of symptoms, as well as the intensity of pain and fatigue. Additionally, it instantly reduced physical and mental fatigue.

The use of music can help the physical and psychological well-being of patients. Likewise, it is recommended that music interventions be administered at home to patients with breast cancer to reduce their negative thoughts associated with said disease.

Music therapy is a form of complementary treatment that can help breast cancer patients very positively. 

Music is used with a patient or a group of patients, in a process that facilitates and promotes communication, relationships, learning, movement, expression, organization and other relevant therapeutic objectives. This is how physical, emotional, mental, social and cognitive needs are satisfied. 

The purpose of music therapy lies in developing potentialities and/or restoring the functions of the individual, so that they can achieve better intra- and/or interpersonal integration. Consequently, a better quality of life is achieved through prevention, rehabilitation and treatment.

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